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New Tools That May Change Parking

供应商迎合了这些需求,在某些情况下促进了这些需求。T2 Systems首席技术官元说:T2专注于创新,我们更注重开发新技术而不是从头开始去发明产品。我们有一个工作做的很好,那就是寻找停车场内外的技术,然后问自己这些技术怎么应用于停车场。


The parking industry, traditionally resistant to rapid change, is now adopting new technologies at an ever-increasing rate. At last year抯 National Parking Association convention in Hollywood, industry leaders cited the need for parking operators to embrace new technologies before they are left behind by others who will.
Vendors are meeting those needs and in some cases,driving them.Chief technology officer of T2 Systems ,observes,While I'd lile to think of T2 as being particularly innovative,we're really more of a close follower in implementing new technologies rather than inventing things from scratch.We do a good job of looking at technologies that are both inside and outside of parking, and then asking ourselves 'how could this apply to paking? '
This article refers to the following new technologies:Driverless cars entering gateless garages,bright ideas in parking lighting-induction and LED,paying by cell phone and so on.


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