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技术专题:机械式停车设备 停车场收费管理系统 咪表 市区停车诱导系统
应用专题:住宅停车 园区停车 写字楼停车 购物中心停车 机场停车 事件停车
研究专题:停车政策 停车规划 停车场设计 停车场经营

Realistic charging -the best cure

众多公众、媒体和政府眼下都在关注医院的停车收费问题,由于媒体指责经营者和NHS trusts,医院的停车收费问题从未像今天这样激起众怒,作者谈了他的看法。
更现实的收费制度,被看作是改善这些问题和提高停车服务的有效手段。这就是在英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰有那么多的NHS Trusts医院决定引入收费和交通管理的原因。


With so much public, media and Government attention currently focused on hospital parking charges, it is timely to look at this whole issue.
Firstly, perhaps we should remind ourselves why parking charges were introduced to hospital sites in the first place. Too many hospital car parks in the past were filled with hospital staff and/or commuters taking advantage of free hospital parking, leaving patients and visitors driving round, struggling to find places. Other sites were so congested and chaotic due to lax management that they failed to provide an adequate service and patients were often late for appointments or, more seriously, unable to park in an emergency.
More realistic charging regimes were seen as the way to cure these problems and improve the service on offer. This is why somany NHS Trusts in England,Wales and Scotland decided to introduce charging and traffic management and why CP Plus, as a car park management specialist with long and wide-ranging experience of the NHS sector, provides the services required.


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