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技术专题:机械式停车设备 停车场收费管理系统 咪表 市区停车诱导系统
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研究专题:停车政策 停车规划 停车场设计 停车场经营

The Problems With A Parking Decision



One of the difficulties parking operations have in making any decision is the individualization of the parking area, even the parking space. On the university of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) campus we found ourselves in a budget shortfall and in need of creative thinking. We made a decision that addressed some very important problems but at he same time created a furor over how we were taking away our customer's "space."
Some of the reactions our employees had over a solid business decision made it sound like we were removing their essence from MySpace. Because of our decision of changing where they park, or their parking space, these people were acting like they were no longer going to be part of the vibrant society in which we live. We, in the Parking Department, were removing their picture and their vital statistics from the web and leaving them stranded at home without a link to the outside world.


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