Park N' Know
The parking 101 series "Take a Hike" is not about climbing
Mount Everest or Rushmore; no, it focuses on implementing a regular
walkthrough program that would formally institute a regular survey
of your facilities' physical condition.
With all the technology and people issues inherent in modern parking
operations, many managers find themselves lashed to their desks.
While the number crunching and alert beeps from parking management
systems can provide critical customer data, they do not totally
convey the patron's parking experience or the physical condition
of your facilities. For that reason, and for the purpose of protecting
your investment, you should consider implementing a regular walkthrough
If you use a formal written checklist, the survey or can check
items needing attention and should obtain agreement on when corrections,
if any, are to be made. The completed form can then be stored according
to your document retention policies. Keeping your parking structure
investment safe, in good condition, and customer-friendly will make
your hike worthwhile.