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EPAct Tax Deductions for Lighting Projects Gain Wider Use



In their third year, tax incentives available under EPAct - officially the Energy Policy Act of 2005 - are achieving wide use, particularly for energy-efficient lighting and lighting controls. LEED building projects are also increasingly taking advantage of EPAct tax incentives.
Parking garages in particular are one of the most popular EPAct categories.Parking garages make excellent EPAct candidates because lighting electrical use is the primary energy cost and large bulidings drive large EPAct deductions.
EPAct provides an immediate tax deduction of up to $1.80 per square foot for building investments that achieve specified energy cost reductions beyond ASHRAE 90.1-2001 building energy code standards. A one-time $1.80 per square foot deduction is the maximum tax deduction, but deductions of up to 60 cents per square foot are also available for three types of building systems: lighting, including lighting controls, HVAC, and the building envelope, which includes roof, walls, windows, doors and floor/foundation.


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