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Parking Industry in China
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技术专题:机械式停车设备 停车场收费管理系统 咪表 市区停车诱导系统
应用专题:住宅停车 园区停车 写字楼停车 购物中心停车 机场停车 事件停车
研究专题:停车政策 停车规划 停车场设计 停车场经营

The Secret of Parking Systems



Throughout the implementation process of a sophisticated parking Access And Revenue Control System (PARCS), new strides were been made in technology, standardizing some of the once-custom features of the PARCS. Management techniques improved operations, making the PARCS a better business tool to use by the parking operator, incorporating some not-so-familiar features. Not even dreamed of when the original PARCS was on the drawing board, we incorporated such things as RISC chips (reduced instruction set computer), magneto optical and WORM drives (Write Once Read Many), and WYSIWYG graphics (What You See is What You Get). We'd like to think that the parking industry was changing.


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