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PARCS System Part Ⅱ:The Secret Of Parking Systems How to recognize and prevent PARCS fraud



The best way to prevent PARCS fraud is to accurately recognize and assess those areas of the system that are most vulnerable and have the greatest probability of being conducive to fraud. This task is not only difficult,it is sometimes nearly impossible. In many PARCS installations, management (whether the parking operator, owner, or whoever) fails to believe that stealing and fraud are actually occurring! This failure implies complete confidence in the ability of the system, in and of itself, to account for all revenues, to maximize the revenues, and to provide the highest quality of service possible. Therein lies the problem: The PARCS does not function separately from management; it functions as an extenuation of management. In short, the PARCS is a management tool that, because of its impersonal and, for the most part, unseen processes, is reverently considered to be in infallible.
The second in a three-part series, the author provides insight on how to recognize and prevent PARCS fraud and suggestions for your organizations' revenue collection and control procedures.


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