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技术专题:机械式停车设备 停车场收费管理系统 咪表 市区停车诱导系统
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研究专题:停车政策 停车规划 停车场设计 停车场经营

PT Readers Want Reliability Over Features

本刊就停车收费设备进行了两年一次的邮件调查,你会发现,人们不相信收费设备供应商能告诉他们什么;业主更看重可靠性和服务而不是特色;大量反馈者表示在未来两年将购买新设备;他们平均计划花费10万-25万美元采购设备,其中有9名反馈者将花费100万美元;大多数人不需要顾问机构;大部分人希望原有的设备供应商参与投标;amano, federal, skidata, wps, s&b和zeag是人们提到的停车收费设备品牌的前几名。


If you took a quick look at the results of parking today's biennial e-mail survey on revenue control, you would be forced to conclude the following:
But the devil is in the details.
Pt asked seven questions, ant its e-mail attack got through to about 5000 people, with 198 taking time to respond. The reason there aren't that number of responses on any of the questions is due to the fact that many didn't answer all questions. We report all valid answers. Scientific? No. But it does give you a feel for how the market is working in 2007.


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