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技术专题:机械式停车设备 停车场收费管理系统 咪表 市区停车诱导系统
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The Art of Automation

本文中,我们介绍了有关自动停车收费设备方面的知识,尤其是没有收费员的系统。同时介绍了来自卖方和买方的陈述,以及自动设备在商业领域所起的重要作用。最后我们展望了几种正在兴起的技术,并思考这些技术如何才能在停车领域获得应用 。


Why automate parking? You know the reasons.Going to cashierless systems allows you to reduce staffing expenses 40% or more, increase revenue 5%-25%, improve customer satisfaction, and generate data and reports to improve operational execution. You get all of this, and a reasonable payback period, while depriving customers and employees of the opportunity to craft their own revenue control rules. Any garage owner not looking seriously at this sort of automation is missing something. So why don't more owners and operators automate? I have my theories, but that is a topic for another day.

In this article, we'll look at some automation lessons learned by Parkway ,Particularly with cashierless systems. We'll also look at the state of the vendor and purchasercommunities, as well as the beneficial role that automated facilities can play in the business community. Finally, we'll take a forward look at a few emerging technologies and consider how they may be exploited in parking.


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