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To POF or Not to POF?



Weighing The Pros And Cons Of Cashier-Less Technologies
This is an exciting time to be a parking designer or planner. New technologies are constantly being developed and introduced, and those new technologies are helping us create more efficient, and safer parking.

One area in which technology is advancing by leaps and bounds is revenue control, particularly cashier-less tools. While pay-on-foot, automatic vehicle identification (AVI), and other technologies have been around for more than a decade, technical improvements have made them much more effective and reliable in recent years. As a result, they are finding their way into more parking facilities than ever, and they will continue to do so in the future.


While cashier-less parking isn't the answer for every parking facility, it can provide enormous benefits if properly utilized. It can be a terrific tool for making parking more efficient, customer-friendly, and profitable. And, in regions where competition for parking patrons is fierce, it can be a great marketing tool, providing a competitive advantage by appealing to parkers who want to be able to enter and exit parking quickly, safely, and conveniently.


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