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技术专题:机械式停车设备 停车场收费管理系统 咪表 市区停车诱导系统
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研究专题:停车政策 停车规划 停车场设计 停车场经营

The unified digital parking office:a system for all systems



Many parking systems available on the market today are made to meet the needs of the past and not the needs of today and beyond. Inevitably, technologies are unable to work together.
The future of parking operations will take great compromise and agreement for both the parking management solutions vendor and customer. In an ideal future, vendors would agree to offer customers unbundled products and services, giving them the option to pick and choose which products they use without having to purchase a complete package. Multiple vendors' products would work together to meet the demands of customers. Vendors would embrace common standards, ensuring that solutions from one or more vendors can be created by assembling components, rather than depending on entire systems. In techno-jargon this is called "interoperability" -the ability for separate systems to work together.


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