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Payment technology

这篇报道改编于Manny Rasores在2007年6月停车妇女大会上的演讲。
英国的信用卡或借记卡支付始于90年代早期,最早应用在盖特威克机场,自此之后,这种支付手段逐渐成为机场停车场和许多中心区停车场中最受人们欢迎的付费方式。本文介绍了Pay &Display支付,手机支付等支付技术的优缺点。


The feature is adapted from a presentation made by Manny Rasores to the BPA Women in Parking Group in June 2007.
Payment by credit/debit card has been used in the UK since the early 90's; it began at Gatwick airport and has since become a preferred option at airports and many city centre car parks.
The article introduces the advantage and disadvantage of Pay&Display and Pay-by-phone.
The adoption of the new technologies has not been as rapid as was originally assumed, but given the importance of getting the systems right that is probably a good thing.


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