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Technology and the Parking Industry



Don't miss this very detailed article from a member of IPI's Technological Committee regarding smart cards and Automatic Vehicle Identification(AVI); wireless handheld parking access and revenue control(PARC)systems along with dynamic space indicators to produce parking availability information;and License Plate Recognition evolution.
Several years ago,when first asked about where technology and the parking industry were headed,my response was off-the-cuff.I hadn't really thought about it much.A professional writer asked me because the International Parking Institute put her in contact with the Technological Committee and she wanted information about smart cards.Since then,my opinions have not changed much…and much of what I opined about at the time has taken place.
I had four areas where I believed parking and technology were merging-or emerging.Since then,I have combined two of these concepts and now have settled on three areas where parking and technology are merging.First,the use of regionally prevalent infrastructures-such as smart cards and Automatic Vehicle Identification(AVI)-seemed to me to be a natural extension of a method to pay for parking fees.Second,the use of Internet and, specifically,parking reservations systems appeared to be on the horizon.Electronic systems are now available to determine and communicate parking availability within a facility.There are two different technologies that can produce parking availability information:Wireless hanheld parking access and revenue control(PARC) system,and Dynamic space indicators.Third,the law of economics has provided for decreased costs associated with License Plate Recognition(LPR) as a result of there being a plethora of companies using proven LPR technology for toll and parking applications.


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