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Sweeping up in Bromley

为了向来旅游的人们提供停车服务,目前Bromley共有36个公共停车场在运营中,其中包括供长途汽车和货车停放的停车场,除此之外还有许多"私人"停车场,另外还包括市中心的Glades购物中心停车场和NCP停车场,以及Marks and Spencer商场的多层停车场和Orpington中心区的Walnuts购物中心停车场。在Bromley,处于管理中的停车位总数为6556个,而每年有55万辆汽车在此途经。


As a borough,Bromley is making many decisive moves towards building a reputation for safe and well-managed parking services. Bromley holds a number of attractions as a retail destination.The Glades shopping centre is home to a number of highly regarded high street names,while a number of more specialised independent shops are located along the High Street and in the pedestrianised precinct.Against this background,the borough is also home to several pubs,restaurants and nightclubs.
In order to serve those who patronise the borough ,a total of 36 public car parks are in operation.These include facilities for coach and lorry parking .In combination with these, Bromley obviously contains a number of “private”car parks.
There are ambitious plans afoot in Bromley,with intentions to improve the retail and leisure facilities and create a more attractive destination where people can shop,visit and enjoy themselves.Renovating the car parks in the borough is an essential aspect of this strategy.


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