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Parking, Transportation and Land Use: What is the True Relationship?



My career in the parking industry actually began within a transportation system working at Walt Disney World in Florida. While I spent a considerable amount of time in the parking department there, I began my tenure working in watercraft transportation. I also worked in bus transportation and cross-trained in monorail transportation. Even within the parking department there was a significant transportation element with the tram systems that carried guests from the 125 acre, 13000 space Magic Kingdom parking lots to the ticketing and transportation center (it should be noted that while Disney employs a significant internal mass transit system, a vast majority of people arrive on the Disney world property by automobile). ……
So then, "what is the true relationship between parking, transportation and land use?" it depends on where you live, where you work, where you go for entertainment and recreation, your family responsibilities, so on and so forth. It is a very complex issue that must be addressed community-by-community and region-by-region. One thing is certain: until the next big transportation technology comes along, the automobile is king and parking is its palace.


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