SHUANGLIANG PARKING -Creating Top Brand In Mechanical
Parking Industry
In recent bidding project for mechanical parking system, SHUANGNLIANG
PARKING triumph over opponents and won a contract of 1057
parking space. SHUANGLIANG PARKING successfully win great
acceptance among the client and win congratulation and respecting
from person in parking. This is the result of SHUANGLIANG
continuously insisting "good product and good service".
Enhancement of "Parking Plus" Facilities Construction
in Traffic Exchange Area and Promotion of Traffic Demands
Traffic exchange area (urban traffic exchange) is a collection
and scatter area of freight and passenger. With special status,
it plays an important role in addressing urban traffic problem.
According to XIZHIMEN traffic exchange in BEIJING, this article
discusses the measures on reasonably plan and construction
of car park and harmoniously organization of traffic exchange
so as to address urban parking problem.
Analysis of Parking in SHIJIAZHUANG
There are about 450 car parks in urban area of SHIJIAZHUANG,
in which only 3500 public parking spaces in downtown. At present
parking demands are about 7000 spaces. The ratio of parking
supply and demand is 1:1. Illegal parking always occurs that
badly influence traffic and urban landscape.
New Trend of Parking Construction in TAIWAN
With economic growing rapidly and living level rising, vehicles
ownership increases continually in TAIWAN. As the land in
TAIWAN is too shortage, besides increasing public traffic
systems and reinforcing enforcement, there are two point worth
to do: establishing parking information guide systems and
improving parking plan and parking management systems.
The Renaissance Of Parking Design
Today, we are in the midst of a parking design "renaissance".
Planners are moving away from mundane approaches to parking
design, and are instead developing parking structures that
are safer, more efficient, convenient, and more attractive
than ever before. Many of these new structures are also more
versatile than their predecessors. Whereas the sole function
of the traditional garage was to park vehicles, today's mixed-use
structures fill a host of additional roles.
Parking Troubles and Measures in Residential Area
With private cars increasing, parking troubles are becoming
more and more acute including lease and sale of parking space,
owner contesting with non-owner, management company's liability
when vehicle be damaged and lost, scratch liability difficult
to be defined, parking manage system only recognizing card,
car park design not reasonable, etc.
Usage off Full Automatic Mechanical Parking Garage
This article mainly explores problems and related solutions
when developing a full automatic mechanical parking garage
(Aisle-stack type) in FANGGUYUAN-ERQU development. It includes
establishing garage inspection standard, improving equipment-running
program, raising vehicle access speed, etc.
Parking Management System in JUNLINYIHEHUAYUAN Development
This parking management system is required to be able to real-time
collection of pictures and various of information when vehicle
enter and exit, while is easy to enquiry and data backup.
This system consist of AMS-HANDFREE automatic charging and
management system, image comparison guard software, room number
enquiry module, and WINPLUS one card access smart software.