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Urban Parking is China's primary parking magazine that plays a very important role. It is an authoritative issue that average circulation is 15000 and has mostest parking articles. It is the only maga- zine for parking administra- tions, parking companies and parking professionals to realize current China's parking industry and expr- ess their opinion.

Contact Us
Rm508 Yanxiang Mansion,
2-2 Yanzishan Road,
JInan 250014, P.R.China
Tel : 0086-531-88512040
Fax :0086-531-88924401


URBAN PARKING is an effective tool to raise company band and establish dominant position in parking industry. By the advertisement on URBAN PARKING, parking enterprise will improve the sale achievement, find out excellent distributors, recruit the professional staff and accelerate the company growing.

With market growing, mailing list database and circulation methods are being increased. At present, mailing to CHINAPARKING members, online free subscription, sending to mailing list and distribution in parking events are mainly methods through which we can implement the most effective circulation. URBAN PARKING is distributed mainly to the developed cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing. The average circulation per issue is 15000.

Position Size
Unit Price
Yearly Price
(6 issues)
Front cover 190ⅹ215 2200 10560
Double page spread 420ⅹ285 2200 10560
Back cover 210ⅹ285 1800 8640
Cover 2 210ⅹ285 1800
Cover 3 210ⅹ285 1500 7200
Right of cover 2 210ⅹ285 1500 7200
Colorful full page
1350 6480
B&W full page 210ⅹ285 969 4651
B&W 1/2 page 89ⅹ245(V)
629 3020
B&W 4/9 page 117ⅹ162(V) 600 2880
B&W 1/3 page 56ⅹ245(V)

Advertisement requirement:

  • 1.Design software: PHOTOSHOP is recommended. Printing color (CYMK). 300dpi.
  • 2. The way of providing advertisement documents:
    1) By mail: Please copy advertisement documents to a CD, then mail us with printing sample.
    2) By e-mail: The single document is less than 20M.
  • 3. The advertisement should be designed by advertiser.
  • 4. The advertisement should avoid copyright infringement.

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