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Urban Parking 2004.2

Parking News

Press Release

Own Intellectual Property Create a Brand Enterprise - Interview with SPASS
Although there is many of parking system suppliers, no top brand appears up to now either in high-grade market or in medium and low-grade market. SPASS INTELLIGENT is the earliest manufacturer in east china that has own intellectual property of parking access control system.

Recommendation on Improving Parking Management in DONGGUAN
It is necessary to solve parking problem in urban area of DONGGUAN with various ways including intensifying construction and management of public parking, increasing available parking, establishing proper parking standards for attached parking and strengthening on-street parking enforcement.

Development of Major Parking Policies in Korea
This paper briefly reviews the historical development of parking policies in Korea. In addition, major parking polices tried in Korea are also reviewed and evaluated. Regardless of their success or failure, however, they can serve as good case studies for countries at a similar stage of motorization development.

Research on Parking Guidance System Planning Key Technique
This paper discusses the function of each part in parking guidance system to put forward the parking guidance strategy integrating with intelligence system planning. This paper also brings forward corresponding planning methods for parking guidance system planning: subarea, parking guidance information delaminating and parking guidance information board design considering foreign countries experiences.

Discussion on Legal Responsibility of Vehicle Losing or Injury
According to PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE, vehicle management in residential parking is a kind of property service. A property service contract could be defined freely. You could define it as a vehicle guarantee agreement or a space lease agreement.

On Street Meter Parking Plan of CHANCHENG, FOSHAN
For solving parking problem, the plan will make relocation of on street parking at whole CHANCHENG district. That is, remaining reasonable existed parking and reconstructing them, and creating a number of on street parking at available street to increase public parking.

Pay Stations in the US Airport and Urban Parking Markets (Part I)
The use of pay stations to solve parking problems has been around for over 30 years. Bad experiences in the past have contributed to the slow acceptance of the use of today’s pay station as a means of solving operating expense issues or inexpensive methods of improving the level of control.

Telescopic Goods Fork Access Mechanism of Parking Equipment
The tertiary telescopic goods fork access is a mature technology which lateral access running speed is quick, and telescopic movement is equable and reliable. The kind of access mechanism has been widely used in auto warehouse industry. Therefore it will have usage value in auto parking garage.

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