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Urban Parking 2006.6 / Traffic Safety Products Digital Magazine

Special Focus on Traffic Safety Products
Current Market of Traffic Safety Products for Parking
With parking projects increased, manufacturers and suppliers of traffic safety products for parking is also increased year by year. These professional demands open wider market opportunities for traffic safety products. In the article we present the current market and trend of these products.

General Traffic Safety Products for Parking
This includes two parts: essential products and optional. We describe their material, size, installation requirement, usage and price.

Directional Signage Aids in Efficient Parking
Generally, wherever there are parking structures, there is a need for accurate and timely information. The more accurate and detailed that information is, the easier it is for a motorist to enter, navigate, and exit.

Concerns about Parking Structure before Opening
Guangzhou Parking Association finds when opening examining that, the signs and markings are unqualified in many parking structures. In this article, the author provides some suggestions for parking operators.

Some Standards on Traffic Safety Products for Parking

Best Solution Partner - Interview With Mr. Yutaka Araya
HITACHI has entered Chinese mechanical parking market since May 2005. Up to now, just for a year and a half, HITACHI motor's market share has over 20%. What are the reasons for the results they achieve, we interview with Mr. Yutaka Araya, the General Manager of Industrial Equipment Systems Group of HITACHI (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.

The Birth of The First Tower Mechanical Garage
On May 16, 1992, a vertical-circulating parking system located in Beijing Institution of Sinopec Corp passed acceptance review. This marks the completion of China's first tower mechanical garage.

Measures Study of On-Street Parking in Haerbin
With the problems of on-street parking in Haerbin City, this article provides several propositions, including unified administration, reasonable planning, strengthening enforcement, establishing parking guidance system, etc.

Parking Management System at WUXI COMMERCIAL MANSION

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