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Shuangliang Parking Equipment Co., Ltd. recently held a “New Products Seminar and Thanks Dinner”. During the meeting, we interviewed Mr. WuGang, the general manager of Shuangliang Parking.
Focus on : Real Right Law & Parking
Influence of Real Right Law on Parking Industry
The greatest significance of Real Right Law lies in a legal guarantee for private property rights, in which defines the ownership of parking spaces. But it was worried the law has some vague provisions that likely have a negative impact on residents as well as mechanical parking manufacturers. How to handle it? How to perfect those controversial legal provisions?
Ownership Disputation for Parking Spaces
This article describes several lawsuits of residential parking spaces and analyses the new problems since implementation of Real Right Law, and provides the corresponding solutions to these problems. That includes, in a residential area, the necessary parking spaces in the light of local requirements should belong to the common parts that should be of ownership by total residents.
Back-Cantilevered Parking Lifts Design
Back-cantilevered parking lifts features with no front-column, no hang-point, wide eyesight and convenient access that are favorable by drivers and developers. We introduce a new one with low cost, high safety, easy maintenance and high utilization ratio.
Parking Signage System Updating
Recently 12 large shopping centers in Beijing as the first group of pilot project has completed parking signage system updating that installation of 1139 parking signs, 64 electronic screens and 620 added parking spaces.
Wuhan Urban Parking Strategy
This article analyses the current parking problems and causes in Wuhan. Refer to the advanced experiences of cities at home and abroad, author makes a research on Wuhan’s overall parking strategy and deal with measures of improving parking issues so as to meet the challenges of imbalance between supply and demand and serious mobility.
Developing a Uniform Program for Enhanced Security
Security measures for a parking facility may include things like CCTV monitoring, lighting, open stairwell design for visibility and emergency call boxes. We would suggest an additional strategy for keeping people safe from crime, and for making them feel safe, as they come and go from their vehicles in parking facilities: the development of employee uniform programs to help strengthen security.
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